04 August, 2010

It's been a while!

I must say it's been quite some time since I've made any posts. There's a good reason for this, I started a Chef Apprenticeship back in February this year. So as you can imagine, I've been busy slaving away in the kitchen and haven't had much time to do anything design or photography related. I've been putting all my creative juices in to culinary creations. I'm itching to get out and take some photos again. I haven't been to any gigs in a while so that's part of the reason I haven't done any! Not to worry, I've taken a few photos of my culinary delights, most of which have been of the sweet variety. So in place of any design and photographic pursuits I thought I'd better share these with you all. I do apologise for the lighting, it's crap!


Italian Style Chocolate and Hazelnut Cake

Lemon Tart

Almond Cream Pudding

Lamb Shank Tagine


Two fit and fun gals said...

wow everything looks fantastic well done and congrats on the apprenticeship! xx